Hooray! - Invalid IBAN successfully rejected. Hooray! Successfully derived '(failed to load mistranscriptions)' as likely transcription error source suggestion(s) for the incorrect IBAN VG96VPVG00000L2345678901. [AL (IANA:.al, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:AL): Albania] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Albania (http://www.bankofalbania.org/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: ALL Example IBAN: AL47 2121 1009 0000 0002 3569 8741 - country AL - checksum 47 - bban 212110090000000235698741 - bank 212 - branch 1100 - account 90000000235698741 - natcksum 9 Checking validity... IBAN AL47212110090000000235698741 is valid. [DZ (IANA:.dz, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:DZ): Algeria] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Algeria (http://www.bank-of-algeria.dz/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: DZD Example IBAN: DZ35 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 - country DZ - checksum 35 - bban 12341234123412341234 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN DZ3512341234123412341234 is valid. [AD (IANA:.ad, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:AD): Andorra] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finances (http://www.inaf.ad/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: AD12 0001 2030 2003 5910 0100 - country AD - checksum 12 - bban 00012030200359100100 - bank 0001 - branch 2030 - account 200359100100 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN AD1200012030200359100100 is valid. [AO (IANA:.ao, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:AO): Angola] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: National Bank of Angola (http://www.bna.ao/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: AOA Example IBAN: AO44 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1 - country AO - checksum 44 - bban 123412341234123412341 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN AO44123412341234123412341 is valid. [AT (IANA:.at, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:AT): Austria] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Austrian National Bank (http://www.oenb.at/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: AT61 1904 3002 3457 3201 - country AT - checksum 61 - bban 1904300234573201 - bank 19043 - branch - account 00234573201 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN AT611904300234573201 is valid. [AZ (IANA:.az, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:AZ): Azerbaijan] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: The Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan (http://www.cbar.az/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: AZN Example IBAN: AZ21 NABZ 0000 0000 1370 1000 1944 - country AZ - checksum 21 - bban NABZ00000000137010001944 - bank NABZ - branch - account 00000000137010001944 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN AZ21NABZ00000000137010001944 is valid. [BH (IANA:.bh, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:BH): Bahrain] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Bahrain (http://www.cbb.gov.bh/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: BHD Example IBAN: BH67 BMAG 0000 1299 1234 56 - country BH - checksum 67 - bban BMAG00001299123456 - bank BMAG - branch - account 00001299123456 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN BH67BMAG00001299123456 is valid. [BE (IANA:.be, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:BE): Belgium] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: National Bank of Belgium (http://www.nbb.be/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: BE68 5390 0754 7034 - country BE - checksum 68 - bban 539007547034 - bank 539 - branch - account 007547034 - natcksum 34 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN BE68539007547034 is valid. [BJ (IANA:.bj, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:BJ): Benin] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) (http://www.bceao.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XOF Example IBAN: BJ83 A123 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 - country BJ - checksum 83 - bban A12312341234123412341234 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN BJ83A12312341234123412341234 is valid. [BA (IANA:.ba, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:BA): Bosnia and Herzegovina] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina (http://www.cbbh.ba/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: BAM Example IBAN: BA39 1290 0794 0102 8494 - country BA - checksum 39 - bban 1290079401028494 - bank 129 - branch 007 - account 9401028494 - natcksum 94 Checking validity... IBAN BA391290079401028494 is valid. [BR (IANA:.br, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:BR): Brazil] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Brazil (http://www.bcb.gov.br/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: BRL Example IBAN: BR97 0036 0305 0000 1000 9795 493P 1 - country BR - checksum 97 - bban 00360305000010009795493P1 - bank 00360305 - branch 00001 - account 0009795493P1 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN BR9700360305000010009795493P1 is valid. [VG (IANA:.vg, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:VG): British Virgin Islands] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: The British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (http://www.bvifsc.vg/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: USD Example IBAN: VG96 VPVG 0000 0123 4567 8901 - country VG - checksum 96 - bban VPVG0000012345678901 - bank VPVG - branch - account 0000012345678901 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN VG96VPVG0000012345678901 is valid. [BG (IANA:.bg, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:BG): Bulgaria] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bulgarian National Bank (http://www.bnb.bg/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: BGN Example IBAN: BG80 BNBG 9661 1020 3456 78 - country BG - checksum 80 - bban BNBG96611020345678 - bank BNBG - branch 9661 - account 1020345678 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN BG80BNBG96611020345678 is valid. [BF (IANA:.bf, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:BF): Burkina Faso] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) (http://www.bceao.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XOF Example IBAN: BF45 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 123 - country BF - checksum 45 - bban 12341234123412341234123 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN BF4512341234123412341234123 is valid. [BI (IANA:.bi, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:BI): Burundi] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of the Republic of Burundi (http://www.brb.bi/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: BIF Example IBAN: BI33 1234 1234 1234 - country BI - checksum 33 - bban 123412341234 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN BI33123412341234 is valid. [BY (IANA:.by, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:BY): Belarus] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus (http://www.nbrb.by/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: BYN Example IBAN: BY13 NBRB 3600 9000 0000 2Z00 AB00 - country BY - checksum 13 - bban NBRB3600900000002Z00AB00 - bank NBRB - branch - account 3600900000002Z00AB00 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN BY13NBRB3600900000002Z00AB00 is valid. [CM (IANA:.cm, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:CM): Cameroon] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Central African States (http://www.beac.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XAF Example IBAN: CM15 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 123 - country CM - checksum 15 - bban 12341234123412341234123 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN CM1512341234123412341234123 is valid. [CV (IANA:.cv, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:CV): Cape Verde] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Cape Verde (http://www.bcv.cv/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: CVE Example IBAN: CV05 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1 - country CV - checksum 05 - bban 123412341234123412341 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN CV05123412341234123412341 is valid. [CF (IANA:.cf, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:CF): Central African Republic] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Central African States (http://www.beac.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XAF Example IBAN: CF42 2000 1000 0101 2006 9700 160 - country CF - checksum 42 - bban 20001000010120069700160 - bank 20001 - branch 00001 - account 0120069700160 - natcksum 60 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN CF4220001000010120069700160 is valid. [TD (IANA:.cf, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:CF): Chad] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Central African States (http://www.beac.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XAF Example IBAN: TD89 6000 3000 2037 1025 3860 174 - country TD - checksum 89 - bban 60003000203710253860174 - bank 60003 - branch 00020 - account 3710253860174 - natcksum 74 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN TD8960003000203710253860174 is valid. [KM (IANA:.km, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:KM): Comoros] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Banque Centrale des Comores (http://www.banque-comores.km/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: LMF Example IBAN: KM46 0000 5000 0100 1090 4400 137 - country KM - checksum 46 - bban 00005000010010904400137 - bank 00005 - branch 00001 - account 0010904400137 - natcksum 37 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN KM4600005000010010904400137 is valid. [CG (IANA:.cg, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:CG): Congo] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of the Congo (http://www.bcc.cd/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: CDF Example IBAN: CG39 3001 3020 0037 1072 1836 132 - country CG - checksum 39 - bban 30013020003710721836132 - bank 30013 - branch 02000 - account 3710721836132 - natcksum 32 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN CG3930013020003710721836132 is valid. [CR (IANA:.cr, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:CR): Costa Rica] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Costa Rica (http://www.bccr.fi.cr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: CRC Example IBAN: CR05 0152 0200 1026 2840 66 - country CR - checksum 05 - bban 015202001026284066 - bank 0152 - branch - account 02001026284066 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN CR05015202001026284066 is valid. [CI (IANA:.ci, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:CI): Côte d'Ivoire] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) (http://www.bceao.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XOF Example IBAN: CI77 A123 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 - country CI - checksum 77 - bban A12312341234123412341234 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN CI77A12312341234123412341234 is valid. [HR (IANA:.hr, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:HR): Croatia] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Croatian National Bank (http://www.hnb.hr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: HRK Example IBAN: HR12 1001 0051 8630 0016 0 - country HR - checksum 12 - bban 10010051863000160 - bank 1001005 - branch - account 1863000160 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN HR1210010051863000160 is valid. [CY (IANA:.cy, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:CY): Cyprus] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Central Bank of Cyprus (http://www.centralbank.gov.cy/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: CY17 0020 0128 0000 0012 0052 7600 - country CY - checksum 17 - bban 002001280000001200527600 - bank 002 - branch 00128 - account 0000001200527600 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN CY17002001280000001200527600 is valid. [CZ (IANA:.cz, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:CZ): Czech Republic] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Czech National Bank (http://www.cnb.cz/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: CZK Example IBAN: CZ65 0800 0000 1920 0014 5399 - country CZ - checksum 65 - bban 08000000192000145399 - bank 0800 - branch 000019 - account 2000145399 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN CZ6508000000192000145399 is valid. [DK (IANA:.dk, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:DK): Denmark] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: National Bank of Denmark (Danmarks Nationalbank) (http://www.nationalbanken.dk/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: DKK Example IBAN: DK50 0040 0440 1162 43 - country DK - checksum 50 - bban 00400440116243 - bank 0040 - branch - account 0440116243 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN DK5000400440116243 is valid. [FO (IANA:.fo, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:FO): Faroe Islands] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: National Bank of Denmark (Danmarks Nationalbank) (http://www.nationalbanken.dk/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'DK') Official currency: DKK Example IBAN: FO20 0040 0440 1162 43 - country FO - checksum 20 - bban 00400440116243 - bank 0040 - branch - account 0440116243 - natcksum 3 Checking validity... IBAN FO2000400440116243 is valid. [GL (IANA:.gl, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GL): Greenland] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: National Bank of Denmark (Danmarks Nationalbank) (http://www.nationalbanken.dk/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'DK') Official currency: DKK Example IBAN: GL20 0040 0440 1162 43 - country GL - checksum 20 - bban 00400440116243 - bank 0040 - branch - account 0440116243 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN GL2000400440116243 is valid. [DJ (IANA:.dj, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:DJ): Djibouti] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Djibouti (http://www.banque-centrale.dj/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: DJF Example IBAN: DJ21 1000 2010 0104 0994 3020 008 - country DJ - checksum 21 - bban 10002010010409943020008 - bank 10002 - branch 01001 - account 0409943020008 - natcksum 08 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN DJ2110002010010409943020008 is valid. [DO (IANA:.do, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:DO): Dominican Republic] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (http://www.bancentral.gov.do/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: DOP Example IBAN: DO28 BAGR 0000 0001 2124 5361 1324 - country DO - checksum 28 - bban BAGR00000001212453611324 - bank BAGR - branch - account 00000001212453611324 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN DO28BAGR00000001212453611324 is valid. [EG (IANA:.eg, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:EG): Egypt] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Egypt (http://www.cbe.org.eg/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EGP Example IBAN: EG38 0019 0005 0000 0000 2631 8000 2 - country EG - checksum 38 - bban 0019000500000000263180002 - bank 00190 - branch 00500 - account 000000263180002 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN EG380019000500000000263180002 is valid. [SV (IANA:.sv, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:SV): El Salvador] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador (http://www.bcr.gob.sv/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: USD Example IBAN: SV62 CENR 0000 0000 0000 0070 0025 - country SV - checksum 62 - bban CENR00000000000000700025 - bank CENR - branch - account 00000000000000700025 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN SV62CENR00000000000000700025 is valid. [GQ (IANA:.gq, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GQ): Equitorial Guinea] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Central African States (http://www.beac.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XAF Example IBAN: GQ70 5000 2001 0037 1522 8190 196 - country GQ - checksum 70 - bban 50002001003715228190196 - bank 50002 - branch 00100 - account 3715228190196 - natcksum 96 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN GQ7050002001003715228190196 is valid. [EE (IANA:.ee, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:EE): Estonia] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of Estonia (http://www.eestipank.ee/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: EE38 2200 2210 2014 5685 - country EE - checksum 38 - bban 2200221020145685 - bank 22 - branch - account 00221020145685 - natcksum 5 Checking validity... IBAN EE382200221020145685 is valid. [FI (IANA:.fi, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:FI): Finland] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of Finland (http://www.suomenpankki.fi/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: FI21 1234 5600 0007 85 - country FI - checksum 21 - bban 12345600000785 - bank 123 - branch - account 45600000785 - natcksum 5 Checking validity... IBAN FI2112345600000785 is valid. [AX (IANA:.ax, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:AX): Åland Islands] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of Finland (http://www.suomenpankki.fi/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FI') Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: AX21 1234 5600 0007 85 - country AX - checksum 21 - bban 12345600000785 - bank 123 - branch - account 45600000785 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN AX2112345600000785 is valid. [FR (IANA:.fr, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:FR): France] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of France (Banque de France) (http://www.banque-france.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: FR14 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country FR - checksum 14 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN FR1420041010050500013M02606 is valid. [GF (IANA:.gf, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GF): French Guiana] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of France (Banque de France) (http://www.banque-france.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: GF41 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country GF - checksum 41 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN GF4120041010050500013M02606 is valid. [PF (IANA:.pf, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:PF): French Polynesia] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Overseas Issuing Institute (Institut d'émission d'Outre-Mer) (http://www.ieom.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: XPF Example IBAN: PF57 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country PF - checksum 57 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN PF5720041010050500013M02606 is valid. [TF (IANA:.tf, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:TF): French Southern Territories] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of France (Banque de France) (http://www.banque-france.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: TF21 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country TF - checksum 21 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN TF2120041010050500013M02606 is valid. [GP (IANA:.gp, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GP): Guadelope] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of France (Banque de France) (http://www.banque-france.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: GP11 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country GP - checksum 11 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN GP1120041010050500013M02606 is valid. [MQ (IANA:.mq, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MQ): Martinique] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of France (Banque de France) (http://www.banque-france.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: MQ51 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country MQ - checksum 51 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN MQ5120041010050500013M02606 is valid. [YT (IANA:.yt, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:YT): Mayotte] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of France (Banque de France) (http://www.banque-france.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: YT31 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country YT - checksum 31 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN YT3120041010050500013M02606 is valid. [NC (IANA:.nc, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:NC): New Caledonia] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Overseas Issuing Institute (Institut d'émission d'Outre-Mer) (http://www.ieom.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: XPF Example IBAN: NC84 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country NC - checksum 84 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN NC8420041010050500013M02606 is valid. [RE (IANA:.re, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:RE): Réunion] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of France (Banque de France) (http://www.banque-france.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: RE42 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country RE - checksum 42 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN RE4220041010050500013M02606 is valid. [BL (ISO3166-1 alpha-2:BLno IANA or ISO3166-1 alpha-2 codes): Saint Barthélemy] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of France (Banque de France) (http://www.banque-france.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: BL68 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country BL - checksum 68 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN BL6820041010050500013M02606 is valid. [MF (ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MFno IANA or ISO3166-1 alpha-2 codes): Saint Martin (French Part)] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of France (Banque de France) (http://www.banque-france.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: MF84 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country MF - checksum 84 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN MF8420041010050500013M02606 is valid. [PM (IANA:.pm, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:PM): Saint-Pierre and Miquelon] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of France (Banque de France) (http://www.banque-france.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: PM36 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country PM - checksum 36 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN PM3620041010050500013M02606 is valid. [WF (IANA:.wf, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:WF): Wallis and Futuna] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Overseas Issuing Institute (Institut d'émission d'Outre-Mer) (http://www.ieom.fr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? No (outsources to the wise experts of 'FR') Official currency: XPF Example IBAN: WF91 2004 1010 0505 0001 3M02 606 - country WF - checksum 91 - bban 20041010050500013M02606 - bank 20041 - branch 01005 - account 0500013M02606 - natcksum 06 Checking validity... IBAN WF9120041010050500013M02606 is valid. [GA (IANA:.ga, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GA): Gabon] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Central African States (http://www.beac.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XAF Example IBAN: GA21 4200 1007 3415 2000 0106 963 - country GA - checksum 21 - bban 42001007341520000106963 - bank 42001 - branch 00734 - account 1520000106963 - natcksum 63 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN GA2142001007341520000106963 is valid. [GE (IANA:.ge, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GE): Georgia] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: National Bank of Georgia (http://www.nbg.gov.ge/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: GEL Example IBAN: GE29 NB00 0000 0101 9049 17 - country GE - checksum 29 - bban NB0000000101904917 - bank NB - branch - account 0000000101904917 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN GE29NB0000000101904917 is valid. [DE (IANA:.de, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:DE): Germany] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank (http://www.bundesbank.de/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: DE89 3704 0044 0532 0130 00 - country DE - checksum 89 - bban 370400440532013000 - bank 37040044 - branch - account 0532013000 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN DE89370400440532013000 is valid. [GI (IANA:.gi, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GI): Gibraltar] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Government of Gibraltar (http://www.gibraltar.gov.gi/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: GIP Example IBAN: GI75 NWBK 0000 0000 7099 453 - country GI - checksum 75 - bban NWBK000000007099453 - bank NWBK - branch - account 000000007099453 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN GI75NWBK000000007099453 is valid. [GR (IANA:.gr, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GR): Greece] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: National Bank of Greece (http://www.nbg.gr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: GR16 0110 1250 0000 0001 2300 695 - country GR - checksum 16 - bban 01101250000000012300695 - bank 011 - branch 0125 - account 0000000012300695 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN GR1601101250000000012300695 is valid. [GT (IANA:.gt, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GT): Guatemala] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Guatemala (http://www.banguat.gob.gt/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: GTQ Example IBAN: GT82 TRAJ 0102 0000 0012 1002 9690 - country GT - checksum 82 - bban TRAJ01020000001210029690 - bank TRAJ - branch - account 01020000001210029690 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN GT82TRAJ01020000001210029690 is valid. [GW (IANA:.gw, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GW): Guinea-Bissau] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of West African States (http://www.bceao.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XOF Example IBAN: GW04 GW14 3001 0181 8006 3760 1 - country GW - checksum 04 - bban GW1430010181800637601 - bank GW14 - branch 3001 - account 0181800637601 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN GW04GW1430010181800637601 is valid. [HN (IANA:.hn, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:HN): Honduras] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Honduras (http://www.bch.hn/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: HNL Example IBAN: HN54 PISA 0000 0000 0000 0012 3124 - country HN - checksum 54 - bban PISA00000000000000123124 - bank PISA - branch - account 00000000000000123124 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN HN54PISA00000000000000123124 is valid. [HU (IANA:.hu, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:HU): Hungary] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Magyar Nemzeti Bank (Central Bank of Hungary) (http://english.mnb.hu/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: HUF Example IBAN: HU42 1177 3016 1111 1018 0000 0000 - country HU - checksum 42 - bban 117730161111101800000000 - bank 117 - branch 7301 - account 61111101800000000 - natcksum 0 Checking validity... IBAN HU42117730161111101800000000 is valid. [IS (IANA:.is, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:IS): Iceland] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Central Bank of Iceland (http://www.sedlabanki.is/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: ISK Example IBAN: IS14 0159 2600 7654 5510 7303 39 - country IS - checksum 14 - bban 0159260076545510730339 - bank 0159 - branch 007654 - account 5510730339 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN IS140159260076545510730339 is valid. [AA (no IANA or ISO3166-1 alpha-2 codes): IIBAN (Internet)] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: None. Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: None. Example IBAN: AA11 0011 123Z 5678 - country AA - checksum 11 - bban 0011123Z5678 - bank 0011 - branch - account 123Z5678 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN AA110011123Z5678 is valid. [IR (IANA:.ir, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:IR): Iran] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (http://www.cbi.ir/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: IRR Example IBAN: IR08 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 12 - country IR - checksum 08 - bban 1234123412341234123412 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN IR081234123412341234123412 is valid. [IQ (IANA:.iq, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:IQ): Iraq] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Iraq (http://www.cbi.iq/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: IQD Example IBAN: IQ98 NBIQ 8501 2345 6789 012 - country IQ - checksum 98 - bban NBIQ850123456789012 - bank NBIQ - branch 850 - account 123456789012 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN IQ98NBIQ850123456789012 is valid. [IE (IANA:.ie, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:IE): Ireland] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland (http://www.centralbank.ie/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: IE29 AIBK 9311 5212 3456 78 - country IE - checksum 29 - bban AIBK93115212345678 - bank AIBK - branch 931152 - account 12345678 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN IE29AIBK93115212345678 is valid. [IL (IANA:.il, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:IL): Israel] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Israel (http://www.bankisrael.org.il/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: ILS Example IBAN: IL62 0108 0000 0009 9999 999 - country IL - checksum 62 - bban 0108000000099999999 - bank 010 - branch 800 - account 0000099999999 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN IL620108000000099999999 is valid. [IT (IANA:.it, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:IT): Italy] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of Italy (http://www.bancaditalia.it/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: IT60 X054 2811 1010 0000 0123 456 - country IT - checksum 60 - bban X0542811101000000123456 - bank 05428 - branch 11101 - account 000000123456 - natcksum X (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN IT60X0542811101000000123456 is valid. [JO (IANA:.jo, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:JO): Jordan] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Jordan (http://www.cbj.gov.jo/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: JOD Example IBAN: JO94 CBJO 0010 0000 0000 0131 0003 02 - country JO - checksum 94 - bban CBJO0010000000000131000302 - bank CBJO - branch 0010 - account 000000000131000302 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN JO94CBJO0010000000000131000302 is valid. [KZ (IANA:.kz, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:KZ): Kazakhstan] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: National Bank of Kazakhstan (http://www.nationalbank.kz/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: KZT Example IBAN: KZ86 125K ZT50 0410 0100 - country KZ - checksum 86 - bban 125KZT5004100100 - bank 125 - branch - account KZT5004100100 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN KZ86125KZT5004100100 is valid. [XK (no IANA or ISO3166-1 alpha-2 codes): Kosovo] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of the Republic of Kosovo (Banka Qendrore e Kosovës) (http://www.bqk-kos.org/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: XK05 1212 0123 4567 8906 - country XK - checksum 05 - bban 1212012345678906 - bank 12 - branch 12 - account 012345678906 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN XK051212012345678906 is valid. [KW (IANA:.kw, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:KW): Kuwait] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Kuwait (http://www.cbk.gov.kw/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: KWD Example IBAN: KW81 CBKU 0000 0000 0000 1234 5601 01 - country KW - checksum 81 - bban CBKU0000000000001234560101 - bank CBKU - branch - account 0000000000001234560101 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN KW81CBKU0000000000001234560101 is valid. [LV (IANA:.lv, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:LV): Latvia] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of Latvia (http://www.bank.lv/lat/main/all/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: LV80 BANK 0000 4351 9500 1 - country LV - checksum 80 - bban BANK0000435195001 - bank BANK - branch - account 0000435195001 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN LV80BANK0000435195001 is valid. [LB (IANA:.lb, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:LB): Lebanon] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Lebanon (http://www.bdl.gov.lb/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: LBP Example IBAN: LB62 0999 0000 0001 0019 0122 9114 - country LB - checksum 62 - bban 099900000001001901229114 - bank 0999 - branch - account 00000001001901229114 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN LB62099900000001001901229114 is valid. [LI (IANA:.li, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:LI): Liechtenstein] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: National Bank of Liechtenstein (Liechtensteinische Landesbank) (http://www.llb.li/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: CHF Example IBAN: LI21 0881 0000 2324 013A A - country LI - checksum 21 - bban 088100002324013AA - bank 08810 - branch - account 0002324013AA - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN LI21088100002324013AA is valid. [LT (IANA:.lt, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:LT): Lithuania] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of Lithuania (http://www.lb.lt/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: LT12 1000 0111 0100 1000 - country LT - checksum 12 - bban 1000011101001000 - bank 10000 - branch - account 11101001000 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN LT121000011101001000 is valid. [LU (IANA:.lu, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:LU): Luxembourg] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Central Bank of Luxembourg (http://www.bcl.lu/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: LU28 0019 4006 4475 0000 - country LU - checksum 28 - bban 0019400644750000 - bank 001 - branch - account 9400644750000 - natcksum 00 Checking validity... IBAN LU280019400644750000 is valid. [MK (IANA:.mk, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MK): Macedonia] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia (http://www.nbrm.mk/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: MKD Example IBAN: MK07 2501 2000 0058 984 - country MK - checksum 07 - bban 250120000058984 - bank 250 - branch - account 120000058984 - natcksum 84 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN MK07250120000058984 is valid. [MG (IANA:.mg, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MG): Madagascar] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Madagascar (http://www.banque-centrale.mg/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: MGA Example IBAN: MG40 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 123 - country MG - checksum 40 - bban 12341234123412341234123 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN MG4012341234123412341234123 is valid. [ML (IANA:.ml, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:ML): Mali] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) (http://www.bceao.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XOF Example IBAN: ML75 A123 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 - country ML - checksum 75 - bban A12312341234123412341234 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN ML75A12312341234123412341234 is valid. [MT (IANA:.mt, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MT): Malta] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Central Bank of Malta (http://www.centralbankmalta.org/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: MT84 MALT 0110 0001 2345 MTLC AST0 01S - country MT - checksum 84 - bban MALT011000012345MTLCAST001S - bank MALT - branch 01100 - account 0012345MTLCAST001S - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN MT84MALT011000012345MTLCAST001S is valid. [MR (IANA:.mr, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MR): Mauritania] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Mauritania (http://www.bcm.mr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: MRO Example IBAN: MR13 0002 0001 0100 0012 3456 753 - country MR - checksum 13 - bban 00020001010000123456753 - bank 00020 - branch 00101 - account 0000123456753 - natcksum 53 Checking validity... IBAN MR1300020001010000123456753 is valid. [MU (IANA:.mu, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MU): Mauritius] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Mauritius (http://www.bom.mu/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: MUR Example IBAN: MU17 BOMM 0101 1010 3030 0200 000M UR - country MU - checksum 17 - bban BOMM0101101030300200000MUR - bank BOMM01 - branch 01 - account 101030300200000MUR - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN MU17BOMM0101101030300200000MUR is valid. [MD (IANA:.md, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MD): Moldova] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: National Bank of Moldova (http://www.bnm.org/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: MDL Example IBAN: MD24 AG00 0225 1000 1310 4168 - country MD - checksum 24 - bban AG000225100013104168 - bank AG - branch - account 000225100013104168 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN MD24AG000225100013104168 is valid. [MC (IANA:.mc, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MC): Monaco] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: None. Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: MC58 1122 2000 0101 2345 6789 030 - country MC - checksum 58 - bban 11222000010123456789030 - bank 11222 - branch 00001 - account 0123456789030 - natcksum 30 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN MC5811222000010123456789030 is valid. [ME (IANA:.me, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:ME): Montenegro] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Montenegro (http://www.cb-mn.org/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: ME25 5050 0001 2345 6789 51 - country ME - checksum 25 - bban 505000012345678951 - bank 505 - branch - account 000012345678951 - natcksum 51 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN ME25505000012345678951 is valid. [MA (IANA:.ma, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MA): Morocco] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank Al-Maghrib (http://www.bkam.ma/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: MAD Example IBAN: MA64 0115 1900 0001 2050 0053 4921 - country MA - checksum 64 - bban 011519000001205000534921 - bank 011 - branch 51900 - account 0001205000534921 - natcksum 21 Checking validity... IBAN MA64011519000001205000534921 is valid. [MZ (IANA:.mz, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:MZ): Mozambique] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Bank of Mozambique (http://www.bancomoc.mz/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: MZN Example IBAN: MZ97 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1 - country MZ - checksum 97 - bban 123412341234123412341 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN MZ97123412341234123412341 is valid. [NL (IANA:.nl, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:NL): Netherlands] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Netherlands Bank (http://www.dnb.nl/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: NL91 ABNA 0417 1643 00 - country NL - checksum 91 - bban ABNA0417164300 - bank ABNA - branch - account 0417164300 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN NL91ABNA0417164300 is valid. [NI (IANA:.ni, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:NI): Nicaragua] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Nicaragua (http://www.bcn.gob.ni/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: NIO Example IBAN: NI92 BAMC 0000 0000 0000 0000 0312 3123 - country NI - checksum 92 - bban BAMC000000000000000003123123 - bank BAMC - branch - account 000000000000000003123123 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN NI92BAMC000000000000000003123123 is valid. [NE (IANA:.ne, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:NE): Niger] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) (http://www.bceao.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XOF Example IBAN: NE58 NE03 8010 0100 1303 0500 0268 - country NE - checksum 58 - bban NE0380100100130305000268 - bank NE038 - branch 01001 - account 00130305000268 - natcksum 68 Checking validity... IBAN NE58NE0380100100130305000268 is valid. [NO (IANA:.no, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:NO): Norway] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Central Bank of Norway (Norges Bank) (http://www.norges-bank.no/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: NOK Example IBAN: NO93 8601 1117 947 - country NO - checksum 93 - bban 86011117947 - bank 8601 - branch - account 1117947 - natcksum 7 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN NO9386011117947 is valid. [PK (IANA:.pk, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:PK): Pakistan] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: State Bank of Pakistan (http://www.sbp.org.pk/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: PKR Example IBAN: PK36 SCBL 0000 0011 2345 6702 - country PK - checksum 36 - bban SCBL0000001123456702 - bank SCBL - branch - account 0000001123456702 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN PK36SCBL0000001123456702 is valid. [PS (IANA:.ps, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:PS): Palestine] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Palestine Monetary Authority (http://www.pma.ps/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: ILS Example IBAN: PS92 PALS 0000 0000 0400 1234 5670 2 - country PS - checksum 92 - bban PALS000000000400123456702 - bank PALS - branch - account 000000000400123456702 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN PS92PALS000000000400123456702 is valid. [PL (IANA:.pl, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:PL): Poland] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: National Bank of Poland (http://www.nbp.pl/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: PLN Example IBAN: PL61 1090 1014 0000 0712 1981 2874 - country PL - checksum 61 - bban 109010140000071219812874 - bank 10901014 - branch - account 0000071219812874 - natcksum 4 Checking validity... IBAN PL61109010140000071219812874 is valid. [PT (IANA:.pt, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:PT): Portugal] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of Portugal (http://www.bportugal.pt/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: PT50 0002 0123 1234 5678 9015 4 - country PT - checksum 50 - bban 000201231234567890154 - bank 0002 - branch 0123 - account 1234567890154 - natcksum 54 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN PT50000201231234567890154 is valid. [QA (IANA:.qa, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:QA): Qatar] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Qatar Central Bank (http://www.qcb.gov.qa/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: QAR Example IBAN: QA58 DOHB 0000 1234 5678 90AB CDEF G - country QA - checksum 58 - bban DOHB00001234567890ABCDEFG - bank DOHB - branch 0000 - account 1234567890ABCDEFG - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN QA58DOHB00001234567890ABCDEFG is valid. [RO (IANA:.ro, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:RO): Romania] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: National Bank of Romania (http://www.bnro.ro/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: RON Example IBAN: RO49 AAAA 1B31 0075 9384 0000 - country RO - checksum 49 - bban AAAA1B31007593840000 - bank AAAA - branch - account 1B31007593840000 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN RO49AAAA1B31007593840000 is valid. [LC (IANA:.lc, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:LC): Saint Lucia] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (http://www.eccb-centralbank.org/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XCD Example IBAN: LC55 HEMM 0001 0001 0012 0012 0002 3015 - country LC - checksum 55 - bban HEMM000100010012001200023015 - bank HEMM - branch - account 000100010012001200023015 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN LC55HEMM000100010012001200023015 is valid. [SM (IANA:.sm, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:SM): San Marino] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino (http://www.bcsm.sm/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: SM86 U032 2509 8000 0000 0270 100 - country SM - checksum 86 - bban U0322509800000000270100 - bank 03225 - branch 09800 - account 000000270100 - natcksum U (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN SM86U0322509800000000270100 is valid. [ST (IANA:.st, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:ST): São Tomé and Príncipe] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of São Tomé and Príncipe (http://www.bcstp.st/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: STD Example IBAN: ST68 0001 0001 0051 8453 1011 2 - country ST - checksum 68 - bban 000100010051845310112 - bank 0001 - branch 0001 - account 0051845310112 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN ST68000100010051845310112 is valid. [SA (IANA:.sa, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:SA): Saudi Arabia] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (http://www.sama.gov.sa/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: SAR Example IBAN: SA03 8000 0000 6080 1016 7519 - country SA - checksum 03 - bban 80000000608010167519 - bank 80 - branch - account 000000608010167519 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN SA0380000000608010167519 is valid. [SN (IANA:.sn, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:SN): Senegal] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) (http://www.bceao.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XOF Example IBAN: SN15 A123 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 - country SN - checksum 15 - bban A12312341234123412341234 - bank - branch - account - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN SN15A12312341234123412341234 is valid. [RS (IANA:.rs, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:RS): Serbia] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: National Bank of Serbia (http://www.nbs.rs/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: RSD Example IBAN: RS35 2600 0560 1001 6113 79 - country RS - checksum 35 - bban 260005601001611379 - bank 260 - branch - account 005601001611379 - natcksum 79 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN RS35260005601001611379 is valid. [SC (IANA:.sc, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:SC): Seychelles] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Seychelles (http://www.cbs.sc/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: SCR Example IBAN: SC18 SSCB 1101 0000 0000 0000 1497 USD - country SC - checksum 18 - bban SSCB11010000000000001497USD - bank SSCB - branch 1101 - account 0000000000001497USD - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN SC18SSCB11010000000000001497USD is valid. [SK (IANA:.sk, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:SK): Slovakia] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: National Bank of Slovakia (http://www.nbs.sk/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: SK31 1200 0000 1987 4263 7541 - country SK - checksum 31 - bban 12000000198742637541 - bank 1200 - branch 000019 - account 8742637541 - natcksum 1 Checking validity... IBAN SK3112000000198742637541 is valid. [SI (IANA:.si, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:SI): Slovenia] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of Slovenia (http://www.bsi.si/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: SI56 1910 0000 0123 438 - country SI - checksum 56 - bban 191000000123438 - bank 19 - branch 100 - account 0000123438 - natcksum 38 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN SI56191000000123438 is valid. [ES (IANA:.es, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:ES): Spain] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of Spain (http://www.bde.es/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: EUR Example IBAN: ES91 2100 0418 4502 0005 1332 - country ES - checksum 91 - bban 21000418450200051332 - bank 2100 - branch 0418 - account 450200051332 - natcksum 45 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN ES9121000418450200051332 is valid. [SE (IANA:.se, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:SE): Sweden] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of Sweden (Sveriges Riksbank) (http://www.riksbank.com/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: SEK Example IBAN: SE45 5000 0000 0583 9825 7466 - country SE - checksum 45 - bban 50000000058398257466 - bank 500 - branch - account 00000058398257466 - natcksum 6 Checking validity... IBAN SE4550000000058398257466 is valid. [CH (IANA:.ch, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:CH): Switzerland] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Swiss National Bank (http://www.snb.ch/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: CHF Example IBAN: CH93 0076 2011 6238 5295 7 - country CH - checksum 93 - bban 00762011623852957 - bank 00762 - branch - account 011623852957 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN CH9300762011623852957 is valid. [TL (IANA:.tl, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:TL): Timor-Leste] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Timor-Leste (Banco Central de Timor-Leste) (http://www.bancocentral.tl/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: USD Example IBAN: TL38 0080 0123 4567 8910 157 - country TL - checksum 38 - bban 0080012345678910157 - bank 0080 - branch 012 - account 345678910157 - natcksum 57 (National checksum manually validated.) (National checksum automatically validated.) (Correction of national checksum functionality validated.) Checking validity... IBAN TL380080012345678910157 is valid. [TG (IANA:.tg, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:TG): Togo] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) (http://www.bceao.int/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: XOF Example IBAN: TG53 TG00 9060 4310 3465 0040 0070 - country TG - checksum 53 - bban TG0090604310346500400070 - bank TG009 - branch 06043 - account 10346500400070 - natcksum 70 Checking validity... IBAN TG53TG0090604310346500400070 is valid. [TN (IANA:.tn, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:TN): Tunisia] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of Tunisia (http://www.bct.gov.tn/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: TND Example IBAN: TN59 1000 6035 1835 9847 8831 - country TN - checksum 59 - bban 10006035183598478831 - bank 10 - branch 006 - account 035183598478831 - natcksum 31 Checking validity... IBAN TN5910006035183598478831 is valid. [TR (IANA:.tr, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:TR): Turkey] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (http://www.tcmb.gov.tr/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: TRY Example IBAN: TR33 0006 1005 1978 6457 8413 26 - country TR - checksum 33 - bban 0006100519786457841326 - bank 00061 - branch - account 00519786457841326 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN TR330006100519786457841326 is valid. [UA (IANA:.ua, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:UA): Ukraine] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: National Bank of Ukraine (http://www.bank.gov.ua/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: UAH Example IBAN: UA21 3996 2200 0002 6007 2335 6600 1 - country UA - checksum 21 - bban 3996220000026007233566001 - bank 399622 - branch - account 0000026007233566001 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN UA213996220000026007233566001 is valid. [AE (IANA:.ae, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:AE): United Arab Emirates] Is a SEPA member? No. Central Bank: Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates (http://www.centralbank.ae/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: AED Example IBAN: AE07 0331 2345 6789 0123 456 - country AE - checksum 07 - bban 0331234567890123456 - bank 033 - branch - account 1234567890123456 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN AE070331234567890123456 is valid. [GB (IANA:.uk, ISO3166-1 alpha-2:GB): United Kingdom] Is a SEPA member? Yes. Central Bank: Bank of England (http://www.bankofengland.co.uk/) Has own team of bureaucrats? Yes. Official currency: GBP Example IBAN: GB29 NWBK 6016 1331 9268 19 - country GB - checksum 29 - bban NWBK60161331926819 - bank NWBK - branch 601613 - account 31926819 - natcksum Checking validity... IBAN GB29NWBK60161331926819 is valid.